The world changes, advances, and develops many things in such a short time span that it's hard to keep to what you liked when it originally came out. There are people who say for example they liked Mr. Pip, but that's practically died off the face of the earth and probably only found if you hunt it. Things so much that they're either no longer like the originals, or they weren't all that popular in the beginning and you were only one of the few, that it finally just died to lay down and die. I know that's pretty hard language just for products, but it's the truth.
I have no attachment to products and brands, or at least I don't think I do it consciously, but I do have some things that I find myself doing, using, or involving myself with on a regular basis. I've realized that if I did not have these three things, I would feel pretty dead myself.
My Mac book Pro is what helps me with my daily life, and there's rarely a day that I don't use it. The only reason I would not use it, is if I was sick to the point where I couldn't see straight, but other than that - it helps me run my life. Whether for work or pleasure, my personalized Mac book is what gets me going, keeps me up to date, and keeps me organized.
The quote "All work and no play makes..." is so very true, it's not even funny. People have been known to lose their minds if they don't make time to let themselves indulge in whatever leisure they can think of. My Xbox 360 (not the newest model just yet) helps keep my sanity. Whenever I find, or get enough time to pretty much let time fly by, I'll spend hours playing a game. I'm sure I'll keep some sort of the Xbox model systems even when I'm old and gray. Why? Because it's become something I've taken pride in - not because anything I've done with it, but all the hair loss and ulcers it's saved me from.
I've developed a strange hobby (not uncommon, merely strange). Though I my field of choice is Cinema magic, I have a need to "create" something as well. Not only visually, but tangibly. I've had a long desire to create since I've been young. It can be a drawing, a painting, music, video, or plushies, but I need to create. In all honesty, I love cute strange things, and if they're cute enough I want to hug them. So, to appease that side of me - during breaks I gather necessary material and make plushies. Not for gain, but for pleasure. Why? Because once I create something and have it as my own, I have a hard time letting it go. I mean, I put in all that work and effort, and no other person will understand or appreciate it as much as the creator.
My three things are things that can grow and develop in time, but so long as they're in my hands they will always be personalized, and I won't miss them. These things are major elements that are incorporated into my life and stabilize my days. For work, pleasure, and relaxing hobby.
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